MacOS X - Fonts, OpenType and other issues

Unsorted font notes

Font Management in OS X by Kurt Lang

Nice overview of OpenType in OpenType myths explained article.

TrueType, PostScript Type 1, & OpenType : What’s the Difference? Interesting article explaining history of font technologies.

OpenType status Report 2009 by Dr. Jürgen Willrodt and earlier version from 2007

Phasing out "Postscript" Type 1 fonts from Adobe blog...

Changes in Adobe Type1 Fonts during conversion to OpenType Library and Compatibility notes for various OpenType applications

Font naming mess is still present in OpenType regarding various styles, as it was in old Type1 days - documented here in Adobe Technote and another articles explaining issues with font names in OpenType fonts by Karsten Lűcke

Seems like PostScript UniqueIDs are now worthless or obsolete at best and another explanation from Adobe regarding PostScript UniqueIDs

Snow Leopard Type1 font bug , first two releases of Snow Leopard had major problem with PostScript fonts...

Fonts included in 10.5 Leopard

Bizarre bug in the Adobe font driver , regarding CE and Greek codepages

Here's Adam Twardoch's explanation: There is a bizarre bug in the Adobe font driver (ATM or the one built into Mac OS X) with respect to the "Windows Greek codepage" flag. If a font is flagged as "Roman" + "CE", then ATM thinks that the primary codepage of the font is CE, if the font is flagged as "Roman" + "Cyrillic", then ATM thinks that the primary codepage is Cyrillic, but if the font is flagged as "Roman" + "CE" + "Greek" or "Roman" + "Cyrillic" + "Greek", then ATM thinks that the primary codepage of the font is Roman. QuarkXPress only likes fonts that the system says the primary codepage is Roman. So in short, it may be help to activate the "Windows Greek" codepage flag.